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Academic confidence

and dyslexia at university

The Dx Profiler


Dr Andrew Dykes B.Ed, M.A, M.Sc, Ph.D, FHEA

Revised October 2023

Dyslexia Index (Dx)
and the Dx Profiler


This research affirms dyslexia as a challenging learning difference to define not least as a consequence of the multi-dimensional nature of the syndrome (see 2.1/II-6), particularly notable in higher education contexts.


However, at university, many of the strengths associated with an apparently dyslexic profile may emerge as positive benefits. Quite often, earlier, typical, literacy-related challenges are ameliorated. This might be due to carefully tailored academic intervention to encourage more effective study and learning strategies to develop. But equally, unsupported self-recognition of learning differences may lead to adaptations in learning routines and regimes that can empower a student to minimize the impacts of their study-related challenges in literacy-based learning environments. 

This research is aligned with the view that dyslexia - in what ever ways it may be defined at university, not least in order to secure support funding - may be best considered as an information processing difference, and that viewing this difference through a profile approach may be helpful. The project used values derived from a variety of markers - ranging from those more conventionally associated with dyslexia to others that gauged wider approaches to learning and studying - to be blended into a relative and comparative measure of dyslexia-ness, which was shown to be valid across the range of not only identified dyslexic students, but also, their non-dyslexic peers.


From this, Dyslexia Index (Dx) was developed as a comparative marker to take account of the wide range of learning and study characteristics that have been shown to be present in both dyslexic and non-dyslexic students at university. Using the output of the Dx Profiler developed for this research, an individual's Dx value (their level of dyslexia-ness) could be located on a continuous, linear scale, declared as The Dyslexia-ness Continuum in this study.


Further research aims to develop these ideas, notably through the collection and analysis of further data so that stronger confidence about the validity and reliability of Dyslexia Index can be presented. This will also include work to strengthen the inclusive nature of the metric and to attempt to neutralize stigmatisation effects associated with dyslexia per se. To reflect this, the scale could be renamed, perhaps as the Learning Differences Index. 


The Dyslexia-ness Continuum - displaying data from this current study

(RG:ND = students with no declared dyslexia; RG:DI = students who declared their dyslexia)

The Dx Profiler

The Dx Profiler below is the full, 20-item scale that was used to gauge participants' levels of dyslexia-ness in this research study. However, as part of the analysis, data reduction processes indicated four, possibly redundant scale items, hence creating a 16-scale item version of the profiler. Outputs from both versions are provided below.


To use the Profiler, adjust the purple bar's endpoint to a position along the scale to signify your level of agreement with each item statement. Choose a position from 0%, which will indicate that you completely disagree with the statement, to 100%, signifying complete agreement.


The statement gradings are aggregated to a weighted mean average value (defined here), termed the Dyslexia Index, revealed at the foot of the Profiler. If you want to reset the Profiler, refresh this webpage.


In this study, students with declared dyslexia presented an average (mean) level of dyslexia-ness of Dx = 670 across the range 326 < Dx < 960, where the median value was Dx = 669. Corresponding outcomes for their non-dyslexic peers showed a mean Dx = 430* across the range 32 < Dx < 888*, where the median value was Dx = 418. The complete analysis is here.

* Note: In this study, some participants in the non-dyslexic group presented levels of dyslexia-ness comparable to those of the dyslexic group, and hence were declared as quasi-dyslexic. When this small subgroup (n=19) is removed from the non-dyslexic group (n=98), the outcomes for the remainder subgroup of the non-dyslexic group generated a mean Dx = 365, across the range 32 < Dx < 593, where the median was Dx = 655.

The Dx Profiler

= redundant in the 16 scale-item version

Dx Profiler constructed in Calconic

Dyslexia Index (Dx) and Academic Behavioural Confidence (ABC)


This research project is exploring possible links between academic behavioural confidence and dyslexia at university.


The outcomes and conclusions of this initial study suggested that the identification of dyslexia in a student may have a depressive influence on academic confidence at university, gauged as academic behavioural confidence as reported in the main thesis


Although no claims are made to suggest that levels of dyslexianess, Dx, (as gauged through the Dyslexia Index Profiler which was specifically developed for this project) can predict corresponding levels of ABC, a tentative multiple regression analysis of the data collected in this study suggested that it may be at least possible to indicate an expected level of ABC based on a measured level of Dx. 


Further research is required to explore firstly the reliability of this expectation output and also to discuss whether or not it may be meaningful and hence, useful in a university context.


In the meantime, the Dx value generated from the Dx Profiler above can be transferred to the ABC Profiler (here) to provide a comparison with the actual outputs of the ABC Profiler for each of the four ABC Scales used throughout this study.

Academic confidence and dyslexia at university

A PhD Research Project October 2014 - May 2019

Middlesex University, London


Dr Andrew Dykes B.Ed, M.A, M.Sc, Ph.D, FHEA

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